Read the Bible in a Year

Many North Georgia United Methodists have joined in this intentional effort to read through the Bible in one year. You are invited to join in a simple Bible reading plan that will help us read the whole Bible in one year! You can do it by reading approximately 15 minutes a day.

This guide (which you can download below) is designed to keep your place as you read through the Bible. By keeping this guide with your Bible and checking off each day's reading as you complete it, you will be able to follow a schedule that will enable you to read all the way through the Bible in one year.

Download the Reading Schedule (pdf)

Here Are a Few More Ideas

Why not invite several others to do the daily readings with you and set up some time each week for a brief check-up and discussion about the most interesting or most enlightening passage you read?

The support and encouragement you will receive from each other will be a blessing in so many ways. Having partners to share this common effort will help motivate and sustain you throughout the year. Having friends share in the same reading will enrich your conversations and connect you spiritually in significant ways.

Why not intentionally add one more spiritual discipline to your routine?

You could become more regular in your prayer life. You could become more intentional in finding a place to offer service in the name of Jesus Christ. You could start attending Sunday School or some other Bible Study opportunity. You could find one way each day to surprise some unsuspecting soul with an act of mercy and grace.

Why not use this as an outreach opportunity with some one who is seeking answers to life's ultimate questions, but who doesn’t know where to look?

We all are in relationships with people who have never come to faith in Jesus or whose faith has cooled over the course of time. Life has continued to add stress, confusion and doubt. You know the awakening and transforming power available through God's Spirit, which can impact a person through reading the Bible and the other spiritual disciplines. Let this reading program be an outreach tool undergirded by your prayers and spiritual guidance.

Another resource to consider is reading the Book of Acts and the Gospel of Luke in a Year. There are 52 chapters between those two books. Find an outline from the North Georgia Conference-wide reading opportunity in 2020 at

Need a new Bible?

If you are searching for a new Bible to be a companion with you while reading the Bible in a year, check out these bibles available from Cokesbury!