Peace With Justice

North Georgia Conference Peace with Justice Program

"And what does the Lord require of you but to DO JUSTICE, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)

Purpose: The General Board of Church & Society is to be the bearer of the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church. This mission is to develop programs that provides education and action on issues confronting the church that are consistent with the Social Principles and the policies adopted by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church.


Our Peace with Justice Past 

John Wesley was a forthright advocate on prison reform, human rights, abuse of spirituous liquors, labor justice, healthcare, slavery, the humane treatment of animals. Slavery was a divisive issue within the church during the 18th and 19th Centuries with many Methodist taking strong abolitionist positions while others were less forthright.  The women's rights movement, the labor reform movement, the temperance movement and the Civil Rights movement all saw leadership from a number of courageous and prophetic Methodist voices.

"The church is challenged to think clearly and logically about its role in both the local parish and the world at large. Where is God at work in our world? How can we support the work God is doing? What role has God given the church to play in the midst of a broken and hurting world in need of healing? Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that the church should neither dominate the state, nor be dominated by the state. Instead, the church is called to be the conscience of the state. How can we perform this vital role faithfully in a world that increasing relegates the work of the church only to the spiritual and private realm." (Excerpted from GBCS website)

Peace With Justice Tools

Useful Links

Sample Letter

Dear Church Leaders,

Can I count on your support for something important to many people across our church?

Peace with Justice Sunday is one of six church-wide Special Sundays with offerings of The United Methodist Church. Peace with Justice Sunday enables The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice both locally and globally. Fifty percent of the funds are offered to the North Georgia Conference local churches to use for their justice (systemic change) projects and fifty percent support the peace with justice programs of the General Board of Church and Society.

Peace with Justice Sunday is observed on the Sunday after Pentecost, but churches may take the Peace with Justice offering any Sunday.

We have prepared a special toolkit with everything you need to lead your congregation to promote peace and justice. The toolkit includes worship and promotional resources. You may also order free posters and offering envelopes from the General Board of Church and Society.