Confirmation Retreats

Sponsored by the North Georgia Conference Youth Ministries

While it is important that youth who are growing in their faith begin to feel a connection with the local church community as well as with God's presence in that community, it is also important that you and the adults in your church have the ability to focus on the relationships you are building with those youth and not be so concerned about taking care of the schedule, the planning, and the content of some of the confirmation experience.

That's why we have arranged some great environments for you and your leaders to concentrate on the relationships with your students and leave the "particulars" up to us. Take a look at some of the opportunities available to you as you structure how you are going to confirm your youth in their faith...

Spring and Fall Confirmation Retreats

The fall and spring Confirmation Retreats are designed for those young people who are learning more about what it means to follow Christ and to make a profession of faith. Each retreat is different, but each will be a weekend of learning through a variety of educational experiences and presentations by leaders in the conference, inspiring worship, some fun and games, and times for the youth to reflect on their faith and their desire to follow Christ and join the United Methodist Church. There will be large group experiences as well as small group times.

The Spring Retreat covers:

  • Dynamic and interactive worship and sessions studying the Confirmation vows youth will be asked to give (prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness)
  • A session on our connectional church - the blessings of us being connected to each other, how we are connected, why our diversity is important and necessary, and what makes your congregation unique
  • Activities for your group to bond and connect as well as recognize the unique qualities and calling of your congregation in the midst of our connection.

The Fall Retreat covers: 

  • Significant in faith development of adolescence is the opportunity to talk about one's faith and ask questions. The retreat sessions are with your own group helping youth discover their own faith journey and story and enabling them to speak their stories with the rest of the group. Youth will hear other youth staff tell their own faith stories, be led in looking at their own stories of how God's prevenient grace has already been moving in their lives, and experience the members and leaders from your own Confirmation group tell their own faith stories. 
  • Activities are especially designed to build trust and unity with your newly formed Confirmation group
  • Worship centered on God's prevenient grace and how God interacts with us
  • The Fall 2024 Retreat will be held at Camp Glisson October 4-6, 2024. The cost is $175 per person. Register now!

The Confirmation Retreats are designed primarily for 6th-8th graders, but can include senior high if they have not yet been confirmed. Some youth groups bring older youth as student counselors, and that's fine if you structure your church's confirmation experience that way.

For questions or concerns about the Confirmation Retreat, please contact Allison Sligh.

To learn more and find registration links, see the Retreats Page.