Software - Church

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When reviewing church software for use in your church it is advisable to do four things:

List your needs for data management software before talking to any vendor.  As you discuss your needs with the prospective vendors use this as a check list for determining if the software will meet your needs as a church.

Get a demonstration version of the software for review by the church personnel that will be using the software. Have the vendor come and do the demonstartion or visit a site where the software is being used and have them demonstrate the functionality of the software. For accounting packages, be sure you see the actual reports that the software will produce.

Ask the software vendor what computer system requirements are optimal for running the software. Will you be satisfied with how the new software runs on your current system or need to buy new computer hardware?

Have the software vendor give you a list of churches in your area who use the software. Call them. Find out what modules they are using and how they like it. Make a visit for a discussion with them.

Software Products

References to web sites and products on this site ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS.
They are provided as information to help you determine what is best for your church.