
What Do Deacons Do?

A deacon’s ministry includes proclaiming and teaching the Word of God, leading in worship and in assisting elders in administering the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, forming and nurturing disciples; conducting weddings and funerals; leading in the congregation’s mission to the world; and in interpreting the needs, concerns and hopes of the world.

A deacon is a member of an annual conference and may vote on all matters in his or her clergy session and annual conference. He or she is eligible to hold office on annual conference boards, commission, or committees, and for election as a clergy delegate to General, central or jurisdictional conference.

Where Do Deacons Serve?

A deacon may serve in settings beyond the local church, through United Methodist-related agencies, educational institutions, or ecumenical or secular agencies; or within a local congregation, charge or cooperative parish.

Areas of service may include music ministry, Christian education, mission outreach, age-group ministry, ethnic ministry, social justice ministry, campus ministry, health care ministry, business administration, counseling, disaster relief, teaching, social work, or community ministries.

Appointment is made by the bishop and may be initiated by the deacon, an agency seeking his or her service, the bishop, or the district superintendent. A deacon serving in a setting beyond the local church is also appointed by a bishop, in consultation with the deacon and pastor in charge, to a local congregation, where he or she takes responsibility for leading others into ministries of service. A deacon is non-itinerant.

Stories of calling and service by North Georgia Deacons:

Catherine Boothe Olson

Montana Hamby (and Elder Spouse Natalee Dukes Hamby)

Find a Deacon in North Georgia