ELI Applications Open for Youth in Your Congregation

Connection Points


Most people never dive deeply into who God created them to be and how God created them to lead. ELI is specifically designed to be that deep dive. 

Created for rising 11-12th graders, the Experiential Leadership Institute, or ELI, isn't a Bible study, or a Sunday school class, or a passion-packed worship event. It's a guided tour of who God created you to be, how God created you to lead, what it means to be a Christian servant leader, and what it means to live in Christian community. 

Please share this with youth in your congregation. ELI Leader Week will be held at LaGrange College May 27-June 1, 2018, then Servant Leader Practicum Weeks are in June and July 2018. 

Find more at www.ELILEADER.org.

--Russell Davis

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