1st Impression Survey from the Church We Visited Sunday


It was really good to have you at Harvest this week. I hope you enjoyed the service. I don't know if you're looking for answers, a church home, or just passing through.
Whatever the case, I'm glad you chose to check us out.
We think church should be a fun practical place to get the answers we need for life and help us grow in a relationship with God. Helping people connect with God is what Harvest is all about.
By the way, as a first-time guest, you have a special point of view that we are always interested in :  
What was your first impression? 
Would you take a minute to complete this short, 4-question, survey?
We want Harvest to have a warm and comfortable atmosphere for
our guests; so your input will really help.

At the bottom of the email was a simple link to their "1st Impression Survey"

Are you willing to receive honest feedback?  Would you be willing to make the changes you need to reach those who are not here yet?

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