Ways to Meet Your Community: From St. Paul Grant Park


"Everyone said that Halloween trick or treating was huge in the Grant Park neighborhood. So we had the idea that we could open the church fellowship hall up as a Halloween Hospitality station. We recruited eight adults who did not have children, and asked them to be Halloween Hosts. We all dressed up in costume (the pastor was a Starbucks barista) and we did some minor decorating, simple orange and black streamers and three pumpkins. A new member here, a graphic artist, designed and made street signs advertising Halloween Hospitality. We put out helium balloons and candles in white bags lining the street on the side where we had the church door to the fellowship hall open. Inside the fellowship hall, we served hot chocolate, coffee and gave out candy to the children. (and of course, had the supreme comfort stations - the bathrooms- available.) We had 246 children and 117 adults avail themselves of our hospitality, between the hours of 5 - 8:30 pm! It was a great evening! And it cost us nothing - everything was donated."

Yet is was a priceless outreach to their community!

How are you blessing your community for Christ?

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