10 Amazingly Easy Ways to Live Out Your Faith on Pinterest


Tami Heim shared 10 amazingly easy ways to live out your faith on Pinterest in a recent blog post at StickyJesus.com. She writes, "for those of us on the lookout for every opportunity to #LiveSticky, Pinterest is yet another place to share and live out our faith.  On this platform every board holds the possibility of becoming a glorious reflection the God we serve."

A few of her ideas include:

#1  Your Profile 
Profiles are part of the first impression you make on any social media platform. On Pinterest your profile stands out like a downtown theater marquee. It’s bold, easy to read, and waiting for you to take a stand on who you are and what matters most to you.

#5 Board Covers 
You have the ability to freeze the cover image featured on each board.  Thoughtful execution of the functionality highlights significant posts, your core message, and elegantly connects one board to the next.

# 9 Outreach 
And if you are wondering about ‘outreach’ possibilities well, that’s easy, too. Use the main search function to discover content outside of your follower mix. There you’ll find fresh images and brand new people to add to your community. Make comments on posts when you repin something from someone’s collection for the first time. It a gracious way to quick engagement and a new friend.

Get the whole list at http://stickyjesus.com/2012/05/10-amazingly-easy-ways-to-live-out-your-faith-on-pinterest/.

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