HealthMiles Participants: Get in the 'Zone'


The conference has temporary custody of a portable VHM Health Zone. It is located in the DS Office on the 3rd floor of the United Methodist Center at Simpsonwood. You get 200 HealthMiles for use of a Zone for your monthly bio measurements.  We will have the Zone here at Simpsonwood or about in the conference until about November 10. Anyone at Simpsonwood for a meeting or a visit, come up and get extra miles by taking this month's measurements via the Zone.

If you are able to stop by, please sign the steno book. We need a record of number of users as part of the contract for hosting it. You login to your VHM account using your e-mail or ID number and your password. Then step on scale and click measure.  After that put you left arm in the blood pressure sleeve.  Click "measure." It will be very tight so do not panic. All measurements will be recorded into your VHM account.
Let me know if you have questions.
Karen Fullerton

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