BEAT Mission and Vision


Historical Statement

The 2020 North Georgia Annual Conference called for a new committee to be formed with the task of distributing funds from the sale of closed church property in an equitable, accountable manner to fund ministry initiatives across all eight districts.

The Conference set the membership of the team to include, but not be limited to, the Executive Assistant to the Bishop, Chair of the Board of Church Development (Chair), Chair of Council on Finance and Administration, Chair of Conference Board of Trustees, Conference Lay Leader, Director of Connectional Ministries, and two Cabinet Representatives. With the help and support of our NGC Nominations Executive Committee, additional members were then added to achieve lay/clergy balance and to ensure the team’s membership would be more reflective of the diversity of NGC laity and clergy. This became the Barnes Evaluation & Administration Team (B.E.A.T.) [See for further historical clarity.]


Our purpose, our "HEART-BEAT" is to facilitate the making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by providing financial support to United Methodist Churches and ministries in North Georgia through a unifying, vital, transparent, measured and accountable grant process.


Our mission is to inspire all United Methodists in North Georgia to explore, develop plans for, and implement new opportunities to make new disciples of Jesus Christ, through understanding and engaging in the BEAT grant process.


Our vision is that all grants awarded through the BEAT process will yield significant, long-term, measurable fruit in new disciples of Jesus Christ and new ways that disciples are transforming the world. We also envision the BEAT grant process itself continuously being assessed for improvement for maximum effectiveness on behalf of the entirety of the North Georgia Conference.

The Barnes Evaluation & Administration Team (BEAT) provides approval and oversight for distributing funds from the Barnes Fund (consolidation of Annual Conference resources to be used for mission/innovation). BEAT works alongside District Superintendents and the District Strategic Growth Teams to ensure that all eight districts are given equitable opportunities to use the funds for their district-specific missional needs. Funds are distributed via vital ministry grants that support the mission and ministry of local congregations. Contact your District Superintendent for more information about the grant application process.

Things to Consider Before Applying

What is God calling your church to do?

Funding Request Categories:

  1. Digital Ministry Hardware/Software
  2. Brick and Mortar – Maintenance/Repair/Improvement
  3. Land Purchase Acquisition
  4. Branding/Marketing/Communications
  5. Staffing
  6. Beloved Community/Anti-Racism Ministry
  7. Training/Consultation
  8. Church Start/Church Restart/Vital Merger
  9. Fresh Expression
  10. Community Engagement/Evangelism
  11. Other