ACE 2023: Recreation and RE-creation



In 2023, clergy in the North Georgia Annual Conference are invited to a time of recreation and RE-creation.  ACE, sponsored by The Center for Clergy Excellence, will offer a variety of opportunities throughout 2023 aimed at renewing clergy by offering tangible ways to connect with God and one another in relaxed small group settings.  If you are a clergy person in need of refreshment and connection, sign up for one of these short-term opportunities.  Don't see something that meets your needs?  Keep checking back as new opportunities for recreation and RE-creation will be offered throughout the year.  



Sabbath Life: rest in the garden

Sabbath Life is an invitation for clergy to practice the rhythms of Sabbath, stepping away from our daily lives to delight in God, creation, and each other.  This clergy group will meet one day a month for six months from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM at a farm located just outside of Cumming, Georgia near the Cherokee/Forsyth County line.  The group will meet for six months (3 fall and 3 spring sessions).  It is open to any full-time or part-time clergy.  Full-connection Elders, Deacons, Provisional Elders and Deacons, as well as full-time and part-time Local Pastors are all welcome to join this group.  Retired clergy may also join.   To find out more about what a Sabbath Life day looks like and hear from previous participants, CLICK HERE.  


Wander & Wonder: a clergy hiking group

The North Georgia Camp and Retreat Ministries staff will led clergy in guided hikes across the annual conference.  These hiking groups will meet once a month from September 2023 to December 2023. Each hike is accompanied by a theme for the day and includes group and individual hiking segments.  There are options for varying levels of activity at each hike.  Each hiking day should be set aside as a time of active Sabbath.  Hikers will gather at 9:30 a.m. and end by 3:30 p.m.  If you want to join or learn more about this clergy hiking group, CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT AN INTEREST FORM.  If you are ready to reserve your spot on the trail, PAY YOUR HIKING FEE HERE.   

Spiritual Formation: Seek God Everywhere Using the Ignatian Examen

Clergy hungry for spiritual formation are invited to join your clergy colleagues through a journey of the Ignatian Exercises.  Led by Spiritual Director, Kristen Vincent, this 32-week journey will include three 24-hour in-person retreats, six online guided spiritual direction sessions, as well as daily and weekly individual readings.  Comprised of Scripture reading, prayer, and contemplative practices, the Spiritual Exercises are designed to guide us on a journey with Jesus into the very heart of God.  All the while, the focus is on Jesus's story and our life story.  If you are interested in participating or want to know more about this opportunity, download the FLYER or complete the INTEREST FORM.  Ready to reserve your spot?  PAY $225 PARTICIPANT FEE HERE