Benefits Academy

Join us for the 2022 NGUMC Benefits Academy to learn from your Conference Benefits Officer and Brain Henderson of the Keystone Financial Alliance.

Who should attend: Clergy, Clergy Spouses, Lay employees enrolled in HealthFlex, and Church Finance Administrators/Treasurers

When: October 20, 2022. Check in begins at 9am. Programming from 10a-3pm. Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees.

Where: Oak Grove UMC, 1722 Oak Grove Rd, Decatur, GA 30033,  and Zoom

Topics: Pension Plans, Housing Allowance, HealthFlex Updates, and a financial planning presentation by Brian Henderson of The Keystone Financial Alliance.

For HealthFlex participants, you will receive 100 Virgin Pulse Points per day for your attendance, which will be measured using polls during the presentations.

Prior Year Presentations