Youth From Every District Step into Leadership at Annual Conference 2018


At the 2018 North Georgia Conference in Athens more than 60 youth served as members of the Annual Conference.

"One thing unique about The United Methodist Church is that laity has as much a voice in leadership and direction of the church as clergy," said Rev. Sam Halverson, associate director of Congregational Excellence with a focus on youth ministry. "Another is that teenagers have just as much a voice in the lay leadership of the church as adults."

"That means these youth represented your congregation and your district, voting on policy and procedure and on future actions of our Conference," Halverson continued.

In addition to serving in the same capacity as other members of Conference, the youth spent time one-on-one with Bishop Sue, held an orientation to learn about Conference, sang in the opening worship choir, offered prayers at the opening and closing of each session, and collected the offering for the Ministerial Education Fund.

Were there youth from your church who participated in Annual Conference?

"If so, offer to take him or her out for a sandwich or a Coke and ask what went on," said Halverson.

Each district brought at least four at-large youth delegates; some brought alternates, and some churches sent youth as their lay member. The Atlanta-Decatur-Oxford District sent ten youth.

Having show strength in leadership and commitment, youth members are given the opportunity to serve the next year on the Conference Council of Youth Ministries - continuing their leadership in conference ministries through the year.