Wood Attends GCFA Winter Board Meeting in Cambodia


Photo: Rev. Steve Wood with university scholars and almuni, all first-generation Christians, at the Toul Kork Methodist Church in Phnom Penh. "What I am seeing today is the fruit of the faithful work of many other people," said Wood. "Each acted and felt God’s hand in their lives to step forward and invest in the future."

The Board of Directors of the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) held its winter board meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 4-8. Cambodia is a mission initiative nation selected by the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM).

Among those attending was GCFA member and North Georgia Conference clergy, Rev. Steve Wood who serves Mount Pisgah UMC in Johns Creek. 
During the time in Cambodia, the board visited with the staff and missionaries working with the General Board of Global Ministries. Paul Kong, Asia Regional Representative, and Dr. Romeo del Rosario, Country Director for Cambodia, hosted the GCFA Board during its visit. While in Phnom Penh, the Board visited sites of projects of hope and care for the people of Cambodia. It also worshipped at Toul Kork and Preak Tual Methodist Churches and celebrated International Women’s Day with the congregations.
“The congregation I serve is committed to supporting the Advance projects represented by these impressive mission initiatives. The work we observed in Cambodia is evidence that our connectional giving is spreading the Gospel to first generation Christians in Cambodia. Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world is happening in Cambodia in ways that inspire all of us," said Wood
The Board visited five mission projects while in Cambodia:
  • At the Toul Kork Methodist Church in Phnom Penh, the Board met with University Scholars and alumni. 
  • At the Cambodia Light Children Association (Advance #3020791) and the Women’s Ministry Project (Advance #3020788), the board members interacted with the children and parents of the orphanage and the community. 
  • The Board visited the GBGM Cambodia Regional Office located in Phnom Penh. Many of the missionaries serving as teachers, directors and community developers were introduced to the Board during this meeting. 
  • The Board toured the Cambodian Methodist Bible School (Advance #14917A) and met with the cabinet of the school and the Mission Superintendent, Rev. Sok Sovandy.
  • At the Community Health and Agricultural Development Center (CHAD) (Advance #14916A), the Board worked on a construction project and met with community children and their parents.  They also engaged the students in training on personal hygiene and health care necessary for the children’s growth and development.