Wellroot: New Georgia Tax Credit Supports Youth Transitioning from Foster Care


Wellroot Family Services encourages North Georgia United Methodists to learn more about a new opportunity for taxpayers to redirect their tax dollars to directly help youth transitioning from foster care. The new Fostering Success Tax Credit allows Georgia taxpayers a dollar-for-dollar 2023 tax credit for donations made to Wellroot’s support programs for young adults.

"All children need and deserve a loving family with no expiration dateYet, in Georgia, over 500 youth exit foster care and are left to fend for themselves each year. This scenario carries lifelong consequences," shared Wellroot in a recent announcement. 

The goal at Wellroot is to stand in the gap and increase hope for youth leaving foster care and entering adulthood without family support. Your generosity will help Wellroot expand the capacity of its Transitional Living Program and enable critical, needed services such as life skills training, tutoring, and career development.

Learn more at Wellroot.org/tax-credit.