Two Shirts Thrift Store of Villa Rica First UMC Celebrates 10 Years of Sharing


A Mission and Ministry of Villa Rica First United Methodist Church
Luke 3:11  If you have Two Shirts, share

By Nancy Wise

How do you know if your mission on earth is finished?  If you’re alive, it isn’t.

Two Shirts celebrated its tenth anniversary on October 1, 2023. Every member of Villa Rica First UMC and many more beyond our doors who have helped make Two Shirts a force in our community should be very proud. I gratefully thank everyone for not only believing in this mission but doing the hard work that has made it a success. Those who volunteer time to work every day, who bring donations every week, who supply specific store needs, who bring metal and help take it to recycling and those who donate funds--you are the heroes who have made this store and this mission a success. 

Two Shirts really started about 15 years ago when my church at the time, Clarkesville First UMC, opened a thrift store where I loved volunteering. When I moved to Villa Rica in 2011 I noticed there were no thrift stores. Newly retired and needing something to do, I decided to open a United Methodist thrift store in downtown Villa Rica. Our name comes from Luke 3:11: “If you have two shirts, share.”

In October 2016 Two Shirts moved to a new location at 225 South Carroll Road, where we remain today. We continue to support area organizations such as Fullerville Mission, the Atlanta Homeless Mission, and Villa Rica Mission Alliance. We worked with our Food Pantry’s Summer Lunch Program this past summer to reach and feed hungry children. We provide clothing to Villa Rica schools for students who are in need. We give clothing, food, and care kits to anyone who is homeless or a victim of abuse, fire, flood, or any other adversity and needs assistance.

Another amazing milestone that Two Shirts is blessed with is being able to give $135,000 to our church to further missions and ministry in the Villa Rica community. During our ten years, we have also paid over $100,000 in rent and utilities.

We’re now moving toward a quarter million dollars made by our little thrift store. This would not have been possible without the ongoing support of our congregation and loyal friends who believe that what Two Shirts is doing is vital.

However, we can’t rest on what we’ve accomplished. We must now look to the future. One of our visions is to have a building on the VRFUMC campus-a Mission Control building that will house Two Shirts, God’s Food Pantry, Backpack, and the many ongoing seasonal missions and ministries that we as a church support. We continue to strive to make a difference in our community, but everyone who has a part in the Two Shirts mission feels like the blessings are theirs.

Nancy Wise is a member of Villa Rica UMC and the founder of Two Shirts Thrift Store of Villa Rica First UMC.