Three New 'Church of Excellence Awards' Open to North Georgia Conference Churches


Which most embodies your church?

Honoring the congregations who fulfill the Church of Excellence in Outreach criteria each year is a highlight of the North Georgia Annual Conference. 

In the spirit of that award, and in celebration of our areas of focus, three additional Church of Excellence honors will be awarded this June. 

Each new award has three levels of recognition:

  • churches just beginning to engage this focus,
  • those who have practical experience in this area and seek to deepen their engagement further, and
  • congregations that have committed themselves to this work as a defining way of living Christian faith as a congregation

We invite your church to discern which area is most embodied by your church... or which area is a growing edge that you would like to develop! 

Racial Justice & Healing

This award is for congregations who are actively seeking Racial Justice and Healing among themselves and within their community. Each award level is named in memory of a pioneer whose life offered exceptional witness to this work. Read about the criteria and download your application form now!


New Faith Opportunities and Communities

This award encourages churches to engage in practices and develop resources that have been proven to help faith communities make disciples and experience transformation in Christ by launching new faith opportunities. 

Scriptural Literacy and Imagination

Email your completed form and supporting documents in one pdf file to Alina Crews to submit your application. We look forward to reading about your work!