St. Paul UMC Marietta Distributes 120 Backpacks to Homeless Neighbors


By Mary Helen Setser

As a Lighthouse Church, we at St Paul UMC in Marietta shine the light of God’s love throughout the community. 

This winter, we noticed more and more homeless people gathered along nearby Bells Ferry Road toward Cobb Parkway. Some in wheelchairs. Our hearts hurt as we thought of the cold months ahead. Our loving nature wants to do something to help.
So we adopted a January mission project to help the homeless, and St. Paul congregation responded with love! We collected more than $2,600 to go toward the project. 

We gave out 120 18" backpacks with two side mesh pockets. The backpacks were filled with a hygiene kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo/body wash, razor, and shave cream) and a winter kit (gloves, beanie hat, and scarf). We also added a pair of warm thermal socks, all for under $15 per person. Then we added water and snacks to each backpack.

As a “hands-on” group project, we filled the backpacks and prayed for the recipients before distribution.

Thanks to the congregation's generosity, some of our homeless neighbors are a little warmer this winter. 

Mary Helen Setser is a member of St. Paul UMC Marietta, a proud Lighthouse Congregation in the Central West District.