Fresh Expressions UM National Gathering Brings Together Hundreds of Inspiring, Creative United Methodists


More than 30 laity and clergy from the North Georgia Conference joined hundreds of innovative and inspiring United Methodists from across the country at the first Fresh Expressions UM National Gathering this week. The event, held in North Carolina and sponsored by our UMC General Board of Discipleship, was organized to bring United Methodist leaders together to fellowship, learn together, be energized by fresh imagination and hope, and to curate the best practices from the field. 


"The first Fresh Expressions UM National Gathering was amazing," said Rev. Ryan Young of Marietta First UMC. "Being in a place with these passionate and creative leaders gives me so much hope for the future."

North Georgia United Methodists both participated in and led Fresh Expressions immersions, skill builders sessions, and practical tool workshops. And leaders from our Conference offered two of the keynote addresses and participated in panels. 

Rev. Dr. Rodrigo Cruz, Central East District Superintendent and pastor of The Nett UMC, offered a keynote address on the living reality of United Methodism. Rev. Dr. Candace Lewis, president and dean of Gammon School of Thelogy in Atlanta, offered the keynote, "We Can Do Hard Things!" Rev. Woojin Kang of The Table Norcross led a workshop titled "Young People Want 'Church.'" Rev. Dr. Heather Jallad, our Conference Fresh Expressions specialist and champion, led a workshop on Catalyzing Effective Discipleship. Rev. Brett DeHart of Aldersgate UMC Augusta led a workshop entitled, “So, How Do We Pay For This?”Jallad, Kang, Lewis, Cruz and DeHart also participated in panel sessions. 

The event was the talk of social media:

  • "Rodrigo Cruz taught us that welcoming people means nothing if we don't value them," wrote Rev. Dr. Michael Beck. 
  • "Today Gammon Dean Candace M Lewis pulled no punches and accepted no applause," wrote Rev. Blair Boyd Zant. "Rather, she called us into prayerful repentance and action. More than 400 disciples praying in pairs, sharing Jesus stories across tables, and demanding courage from one another to do hard things."
  • "I'm so proud of Rev. Woojin Kang for his authenticity!" wrote Rev. Johnetta Johnson, "Thank you for sharing that young people want church! Let's be the church that young people want to BE, not go." 
A new Fresh Expressions book written specifically for The United Methodist Church was available for the first time at the event. The book, of which Jallad is a co-author, includes stories from North Georgia Conference clergy and laity! 

As the event concluded, two major themes were clear: there is great hope for the future of The United Methodist Church, and we already know the way--it's already baked into our Wesleyan roots and built on a missional imperative.

To learn more about the Fresh Expressions movement in the North Georgia Conference, visit

Photos: Rev. Dr. Heather Jallad, Rev. Johnetta Johnson, Rev. Blair Boyd Zant, and Discpleship Ministries.