Fall Youth Ministry Retreats Are a Powerful Faith Building Experience


Retreats are among the most expressive and affecting events a youth ministry can offer for the faith development and spiritual growth of youth, but they also take a lot of work putting together and carrying out. We've heard from youth ministers and congregations that it is helpful to have a trusted and proven retreat available for youth groups so that youth ministry leaders can participate and focus on the teenagers without having to worry about logistics, setup, supplies, or unexpected issues. That's why Conference staff and dedicated leadership have prepared three excellent retreats this fall for North Georgia youth ministry groups.

Registration is now open for your church's youth group to attend:

Confirmation Retreat 
September 28-30
The Fall Confirmation Retreat focuses especially on helping your new Confirmation Class get connected and unified. Youth and adult leaders will worship and learn about how God has been impacting their lives since before they even know God existed (prevenient grace). We'll experience telling our story and recognize those instances and people most significant to our stories. The retreat is at Glisson, near Dahlonega, and is September 28-30. Registration is open at https://www.ngumc.org/confirmationresources.

Fall Rooted Retreat 
October 5-7 and October 12-14
The registration is in its "early bird" phase until August 24 (that's next Friday), and up until that time you can get your group registered for a $15 discount per person. This fall retreat (October 5-7 and 12-14) is filled with fun outdoor activities for your youth group (zip line, climbing wall, field games, hiking) as well as powerful and meaningful worship. It's all at Glisson (near Dahlonega). Registration is open at https://www.ngumc.org/rootedretreat, and you can also find videos about the retreat at https://www.facebook.com/rootedretreats/.

Campus Crawl 
February 28-March 3
Now is the time for your high school students to start thinking about and planning visits to colleges. Your students should know that a vital campus ministry is available to them when they are out of high school and no longer in your youth ministry. We provide a campus tour of 12 college campuses in Georgia for only $75 (when registered by November 1). This price includes lodging, food, transportation, and all the fun that comes with a road trip through 12 campuses. Participants will get a look at college campuses The Campus Crawl retreat is for high school students, and it's quickly filling up (it's limited to 50 youth). The retreat is February 28 through March 3 (a Thursday night through Sunday afternoon). Registration is open at http://www.umcommission.org/campuscrawl/.