eNewsletter Spotlight: Prayers & Celebrations


North Georgia Conference e-newsletters are a key to staying inspired and connected to The United Methodist Church! You are invited to subscribe to the e-newsletters you find most valuable. 

"Prayers & Celebrations" highlights prayer needs of North Georgia Conference clergy. The itinerant nature of our church means many clergy often have deep connections in a number of communities—and our whole Conference benefits from regular prayer for clergy.

The prayer requests lifted in the Prayers & Celebrations newsletter tend to be major health concerns of clergy and their immediate family, death of a clergyperson or immediate family, and joyfully celebrating weddings and births. Similarly, prayer requests from District and Conference lay staff and Conference-wide lay leadership are included. 

Prayer requests are only included at the direct request of the clergyperson or their district office. (Clergy, please send those requests to prayers@ngumc.org.)

To subscribe to Prayers & Celebrations, click "Update Your Preferences" at the bottom of an existing newsletter you receive or visit www.ngumc.org/subscribe.