Bishop Announces Annual Conference Special Offering for 2019: Pastoral Care Program of Wesley Woods


RESOURCES: Download a 1-minute video, bulletin and website verbiage, slide presentation, bulletin inserts and more

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson has named the Pastoral Care Program of Wesley Woods as the recipient of the 2019 North Georgia Annual Conference Special Offering. 
Your giving to the conference-wide offering will make it possible for more than 1800 older adults across the Wesley Woods communities to continue their faith journey with the support of a team of loving, compassionate chaplains. 

“At Wesley Woods, we believe an individual’s faith journey is life-long. Our Wesley Woods chaplains serve as pastors in residence, helping our beloved seniors navigate the loss and grief that often accompany our later years,” says Terry Barcroft, President and CEO. 

Our United Methodist connection is at its best as churches across North Georgia come together to help fund valuable ministry. We exemplify this year’s conference theme “One With Each Other” when we give to this special offering.

While many churches will choose the first Sunday in June to receive the offering, any Sunday before Annual Conference is fine. A representative of each congregation will be given an opportunity to present a check during the Service of Remembrance on Wednesday, June 12, 2019. Fund Number 1132 has been designated for this offering.

Your generous giving ensures that a senior in one of the Wesley Woods communities who may be separated from his or her church home will have the attentive ear and encouragement of a supportive pastor in the community.