Glisson launches 'First Camper' program


For more than 86 years Glisson has partnered with North Georgia churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This year, Glisson is reaching out to churches the camp hasn't had a relationship with lately by launching the "First Camper" program.

Through "First Camper," Camp Glisson is offering $350 to any United Methodist Church in the North Georgia Conference that hasn't had a Glisson camper since 2005 or earlier. It may be used this summer toward camp for single camper or may be divided among as many campers as register from a church.

"The many Glisson Alumni who are now clergy in our annual conference know how effective the Christian summer camp experience is in developing disciples and enabling one’s discernment of God’s call," said Russell Davis, Director of Camp Glisson. "We want you to consider Glisson a partner with your church in making disciples!"

For information on how your church can participate, visit Camp Glisson's website,, or call 706.864.6181.