UMVIM Collecting Contact Information for Those Interested in Traveling to Haiti to Assist in Disaster Recovery


At the request of UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), UMVIM, SEJ (United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, Southeastern Jurisdiction) is collecting contact information for individuals interested in traveling to Haiti to assist in disaster recovery and humanitarian aid. Interested missioners can visit  and enter their contact information into the form on that page. This list of contacts will be activated as soon as UMVIM has news about scheduling a mission trip to Haiti.

At the current time, it is unsafe for UMVIM mission teams to enter Haiti. UMVIM anticipates it being mid-March before the situation will have settled enough to be able to support mission teams.

While the desire to offer immediate help is universal among Christians, prayerful waiting is the most faithful witness missioners can offer at this time. Those wishing to give immediate assistance should continue to contribute to UMCOR.

For continuing information about the situation in Haiti and UMVIM, SEJ's response, visit