Letter from Rev Brian Tillman: 2023 Conference Nominations Open Through March 15


It is my honor to share with you that the 2023 North Georgia Nominations process is well underway, now through March 15. The Nominations process is a pathway to service beyond the local church. It allows for highly qualified disciples of Jesus from across the connection to be nominated for service on boards and committees which are critical to the success of the North Georgia Conference.
Over the last two years the process has been improved for transparency and inclusivity. Among the changes were moving the process entirely online, and allowing for Conference boards and committees to nominate persons for service. This helped us to have a more racially inclusive pool of potential leaders that add strength to our conference. We are grateful for the collective efforts of individuals and groups that helped generate an abundance of high-quality disciples from which to choose leaders. We are looking for that same type of effort this year.

As we look at the current makeup of our conference boards and committees, we still have areas where we can be more representative of who we are as a conference. Some of those areas include geographic representation (more representation is needed from the North West, North East, South West and South East Districts), young adults, members of the Latino/a community, the Asian community, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

With your help, we are hopeful that we will be able to submit the most committed, talented, and inclusive group of leaders to the nominations committee and to this year's Annual Conference.
Please take a look at the current openings and prayerfully consider who you will nominate for service.
Rev. Brian Tillman
Director of Inclusion and Advocacy