Atlanta-Emory Welcomes Clergy At

On July 26 the Atlanta Emory District celebrated the arrival of new clergy families into the Atlanta Emory Family. The Cannon UMC hosted a Bar-B-Q lunch for the over 90 people in attendance; from children to adults the AMRY Family came together under the tents for fellowship. The district provide bouncy houses for the children (even one that was a slip and slide) and the DS lead a game of Kick Ball for all daring enough to join in.
The afternoon ended with worship led by the Cannon UMC staff. The Rev. Dr. Bob Winstead (retired) shared a message on being connected to each other. After this time of worship introductions were made and new families were introduced. 
The Atlanta Emory District has 49 churches and 178 clergy plus their families and the laity create this great district.