HealthQuotient: Feel Great – Save Money!


Take the HealthQuotient between August 1st and September 30th to save money on your medical deductible. HealthQuotient (HQ) is an online health risk assessment, it is also step 2 of the HealthFlex “Three Steps to Wellness.”

HQ identifies potential areas to improve your well-being and directs you to wellness resources available at no cost through HealthFlex, including personalized health coaching.
Participants can avoid paying $250 extra on individual deductibles or $500 extra on family deductibles  in 2015 by meeting the assessment requirements. Covered spouses must take the HQ separately.

If participants took part in the Blueprint for Wellness earlier this year, health data will automatically be uploaded to the HQ. Those who did not take the Blueprint for Wellness can still take the assessment to save the next year.

Getting started is easy!

On a computer, tablet, or even a smartphone, log onto to take the HQ. Click on “HealthFlex/WebMD” to log in. Choose “HealthQuotient” under your Action Plan. Or select “Health Tools” and search under Assess My Health.
Learn more by downloading this INFORMATION SHEET.