Aldersgate UMC Awarded Foundation for Evangelism Grant for Single Parent Ministry


Aldersgate UMC in Augusta is reaching out with hope and support for single parents in its community. The congregation was recently awarded a $10,000 grant from the Foundation for Evangelism, recognizing their efforts in establishing a Single Parent Ministry.

With this generous support, Aldersgate UMC is poised to create a nurturing environment where single parents and their families can find community, encouragement, and practical assistance.

These ministry efforts will support those who are parenting on their own—including moms, dads, grandparents, uncles, aunts, or guardians. Engagement will begin through quarterly “Single Parents Blessing Days” and then deepen through parenting seminars, a Single Parents Fresh Expression group, Parent’s Night Out, and invitations to our other existing offerings such as Messy Church, kids/youth, and worship.

This outreach addresses a deep need. 

"According to Mission Insite, we have 1,011 households led by single moms and 72 households led by single fathers in our mission field. In comparison, there are 1,845 married-couple households," explained Rev. Brett DeHart, church pastor. "We also have established partnerships with the six local schools in our community. This will be an excellent way to leverage those relationships to offer practical support and share the Gospel in word and deed with many families in our community."

The "Single Parents Blessing Days" are scheduled for September, December, February, and April. Participants will be invited to gather for a shared meal, fostering camaraderie among attendees and church members alike. Prayer sessions create a space for reflection and support, and children can engage in a variety of activities, including reading, games, and crafts. The event will feature a resource table, offering valuable information about community services, as well as spiritual resources such as Bibles and devotionals.

Participants will receive material support in the form of gas cards, grocery certificates, or restaurant gift cards. Educational resources for children, such as books, will be distributed. In addition, parents will receive pampering gifts and words of encouragement to uplift their spirits. By engaging with single parents on a personal level, Aldersgate UMC strives to uncover their evolving needs and tailor their offerings to enhance the support they provide.

Aldersgate UMC will actively collaborate with community partners to expand the range of services. Through these partnerships, they hope to offer clothing, fresh food, toys, and bicycles to single parents and their families. Furthermore, the congregation is encouraged to contribute by donating items such as coats, toys, and books. To facilitate the exchange of clothing items, a Clothes Swap initiative is being considered, allowing active participants to find clothing that meets their needs. Aldersgate UMC also seeks to plug into community resources like the fire department to conduct car seat checks.

This ministry to single parents and their families is the next step in helping both the church and community come alive in new ways and reach more people for Christ.