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Campus Ministry

Reinhardt President-Elect Dr. Kina Mallard Served as Keynote Speaker at University’s 2015 Commencement Ceremony
Reinhardt President-Elect Dr. Kina Mallard was the keynote speaker for the University’s commencement ceremony on May 2, 2015 at 9 a.m. More than 250 students participated in the ceremony at the James and Sis Brown Athletic Center on Reinhardt’s campus in Waleska, Ga. On Feb. 12, 2015, the Board of Trustees of Reinhardt University announced the selection of Dr. Kina S. Mallard as the institution's 20th president. She was chosen by a vote of the full board, and she will assume the office on May ...
Young Harris College Confers 156 Degrees During Commencement Ceremony
Political Strategist and Public Servant James Carville Delivers Address to Graduates   YOUNG HARRIS, Ga. – Young Harris College conferred 156 degrees on graduates participating in the College’s Commencement ceremony on May 9 in the YHC Recreation and Fitness Center. The College awarded bachelor’s degrees in art, biology, business and public policy, chemistry, communication studies, education, English, history, mathematics, music, music education, musical theatre, outdoor leadership, psychology, ...
Bridges Update: Making A Difference Through Forming Global Relationships
  “Something new and different happens here when we empower the world.” – Scott Parrish By Ansley Brackin Communications Specialist Rev. Scott Parrish, our North Georgia Conference Missions Specialists, wants everyone to know that mission trips are made up of more than just handy work. United Methodists across the world need conversation and comradery as much as they need able bodies who know their way around a hammer and nails. Each of our Conference’s seven international Bridge connections ...
Elliott Receives 'Faculty Person of the Year' Award at Candler School of Theology
Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Elliott, Jr., assistant professor in the practice of practical theology and director of Contextual Education II at Candler School of Theology, received the award for Faculty Person of the Year at Candler’s annual Honors Day Convocation. The event took place on Thursday, April 16, in Cannon Chapel, where awards were presented to students, faculty and staff in celebration of vocational and academic excellence.  Elliott, an ordained elder in the North Georgia Conference, is in ...
Application Deadline Approaching for UM Connectional Federal Credit Union College Scholarships
The United Methodist Connectional Federal Credit Union (UMC FCU) is now accepting applications for the 2015 UMC FCU Scholarship. The UMC FCU will award four $1,000 scholarships again this year. The scholarships age eligibility to graduate and undergraduate students ages 17-35. The application must be received in UMC FCU offices by April 30, 205.  One winning applicant will be chosen from each of the credit union's four conferences: North Georgia, Alabama-West Florida, Florida, and South ...
Buchanan Named Next President of Andrew College
Linda Buchanan, most recently the vice president and dean for student life at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, was elected president of Andrew College today following a special board of trustees meeting. President-elect Buchanan takes office June 15, 2015. She succeeds Interim President Kirk Treible, a former Andrew chief executive who has led the small, private institution since David Seyle retired in July 2014. “Dr. Buchanan’s credentials fit Andrew College’s needs exactly ...
McCord Appointed Director of the Georgia Commission on Higher Education
Bishop B. Michael Watson, Bishop James King, and the Georgia Commission on Higher Education announce the appointment of Rev. Michael McCord as the next Executive Director of the Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education and Campus Ministry. The appointment will be effective in June of 2015.    McCord will follow Rev. Cindy Autry who will retire in June.    McCord is currently Director of Campus Ministry Resources and Training for the United Methodist General Board of Higher ...
Connect with Sam Halverson: Associate Director for Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Fun Fact About Sam Halverson  I love to cook for my family and friends and love eating in local places almost as much. Many would call me a “coffee snob” (but only before 1 p.m.).   What services does your position offer to local Churches? As one of the Associate Directors of Connectional Ministries I serve as a resource for congregations. As a person who has had over 30 years of experience in leading youth ministry in local churches I focus most of my work on youth and young adult ...
Reinhardt University Announces 20th President: Dr. Kina S. Mallard
From Reinhardt University's Office of Marketing and Communications On Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015, the Board of Trustees of Reinhardt University in Waleska, Ga., announced the selection of Dr. Kina S. Mallard as the institution's 20th president during a press conference in the Science Center atrium. She was chosen by a vote of the full board on Feb. 10, and she will assume the office on July 1, 2015. Her selection completed a thorough seven-month search.   “Welcome Home” was the thread that ran ...
Cybersecurity Education Consortium Includes UM Schools
Three United Methodist-related historically black colleges, Clark Atlanta University and Paine College, both in the North Georgia Conference, and Claflin University in South Carolina, will be part of a national cybersecurity education consortium announced last week by Vice President Joe Biden. The program focuses on filling the critical need for skilled cybersecurity professionals while also diversifying the pipeline of talent in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields. The ...
Bishop White Writes Annual 'Letter to Martin'
Each year Bishop Woodie White writes a “Letter to Martin” (Martin  Luther King, Jr.) on the state of race relations and racial justice in America. Bishop White is a retired United Methodist Bishop, was an active leader in the Civil Rights movement, and continues to teach and work for racial and social justice. He is the Bishop in Residence at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta where he teaches, preaches, and works to equip future leaders of the church for the ...
Emory honors MLK legacy with service, awards, special events
Emory University joins the nation in honoring Martin Luther King Jr. with more than a week of events focused on community service and social justice. Kicking off Jan. 19, the university’s King Week activities include service projects, lectures, community awards, music and worship opportunities that connect King’s legacy to those engaged in similar work today. In addition to attending events, members of the Emory community can contribute reflections to be published on the King Week website. The ...
College Students from United Methodist Churches Across North Georgia Receive UM Scholarships
More than 100 college and seminary students from the North Georgia Conference received scholarships from the United Methodist Church's General Board of Higher Education and Ministry in the 2014-2015 school year.  In addition to the dozens of scholarships available from GBHEM, several students from North Georgia United Methodist churches attending UM-related institutions applied for and received a Conference Merit Award scholarship thanks to the generosity of North Georgia Conference churches ...
My Reflections on the NGUMC Young Adult Retreat: We Are Young, Weird, and Resurrected
By Ansley Brackin Communications Specialist and Young Adult of the United Methodist Church The Conference Young Adult retreat was a perfect opportunity for young people in all walks of life to come together at Glisson and find reassurance in their faith and how they are called to harvest a Christian community in today’s world. We were joined by Rachel Held Evans, a well know Christian writer and blogger, who described the struggles of being young Christians in a world that seems to grow more ...
Emory's Candler School of Theology Invites Public to Centennial Celebration
Luther E. Smith Jr., professor of church and community emeritus at Candler, will deliver the centennial convocation address Oct. 24 at Emory's Candler School of Theology. Emory University's Candler School of Theology invites the public to take part in the official commemoration of the school's 100th anniversary with a centennial convocation on Friday, Oct. 24 at 10:30 a.m. at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church on the Emory University campus. Luther E. Smith Jr., professor emeritus of church...
Candler School of Theology receives grant to explore changes in theological education
By GBHEM                  Emory University's Candler School of Theology has received a $460,000 grant from Lilly Endowment to lead a study of the purposes of theological education in a time of significant change. "Theological Education Between the Times: Consultations on the Meanings and Purposes of Theological Education" will convene diverse groups of theological educators to reflect on the nature of theological education. Ted A. Smith, associate professor of preaching and ethics at Candler, ...
North Georgia United Methodists Arrive in Athens
(Photo of Young Adult Coffee House attendees by Rev. Joseph McBrayer) Monday, June 9, members of the North Georgia Conference of The United Methodist Church began once again to converge at the Classic Center in Athens for its Annual Conference Session. Many of the expected 2,000 attendees took advantage of afternoon registration and attended pre-conference meals and meetings, including the Deacon's Dinner, Covenant Bible Study leader training, and the annual Young Adult Coffee House.  "I pray ...
Christian Hip-hop Artist Tedashii to Headline GO ON Youth Event Kicking Off in Atlanta
GO ON Tour, a worship concert featuring Christian hip-hop artist Tedashii and speakers from next year’s national United Methodist youth event YOUTH 2015, will visit each of the church’s U.S. jurisdictions this fall. The 10-city tour, which begins Sept. 13 at Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, will afford youth an opportunity to experience event-style worship, hear a national level performer and featured speaker and be among the first groups able to register for YOUTH 2015, an event for ...
Five Life Lessons for Graduates and Those Who Love Them
By Rev. Patricia Dunbar Pastor of Mt. Nebo UMC It’s a shame that the finest insight for a well-lived life isn’t neatly packaged inside fortune cookies or neat little boxes. It seems graduate, that over the next few weeks, every friend, neighbor, relative, and unknown stranger is going to tell you what to do with your life. I thought that I would join with the masses and pass on a little life perspective of my own.   1.      1 Timothy 4:12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are ...
LaGrange College Student Paints NGUMC Churches for Senior Exhibition
By Ansley Brackin Communication Specialist for The North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church Senior Fine Arts Major, Sarah Gordon, of LaGrange College paid homage to The United Methodist Church by using several of the North Georgia Conference’s churches as her subjects for her senior exhibition. Gordon explains in her artist statement that her emphasis was “more of a personal history than an objective observation.” Most of the chosen churches are in some way spiritually woven ...
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