Fresh Expressions

View a map of NGUMC Fresh Expressions!

A fresh expression is a new form of church for those not connected to any church. They take shape outside of the walls of the church in places where our neighbors are already gathering. Fresh expressions in the North Georgia Conference are making new disciples and are passing on the traditions of our Wesleyan faith in new and creative ways. Fresh expressions are anchored to existing churches, connecting churches with people who would never enter the church building on a Sunday morning. They do not exist to get people to come to our church, but rather to form new faith communities in places where people are already gathering.



We can't wait to see you at Annual Conference.

Here's our Annual Conference Scavenger Hunt!

Check back for details about an FX Simulations around Athens, from Dinner Church to Fitness to Brew Theology.


Summer Book Club

Summer is a great time to step back, think deeply about your ministry and dream about new ways to join God’s mission. The Summer Book club gives you three chances to think through new opportunities, along with fellow church leaders and the book authors themselves.

So before you head to the beach, grab a book and register to join us for an in-depth discussion on the core practices for Fresh Expressions of Church.


 Virtual Pioneer Cohort 01 & 02

The Pioneer Cohort will not only provide you with new ideas and actionable training…it will also surround you with friends and colleagues who are going through the same thing. Participate online without leaving your context.


Greenhouse Gatherings

The Greenhouse is for teams of two or more thinking about starting Fresh Expressions or currently cultivating FX to learn together, share ideas, and encourage one another in the FX journey alongside your Conference and District Cultivators. Contact your District Cultivator for further details (see Resources below for a list of all District Cultivators).




Local Church Workshop

Ready to start a Fresh Expression and need help determining your next steps? Schedule a Local Church Workshop! Local Church Workshops typically include: 

  • Why the Church Needs Fresh Expressions
    • Discover the current state of the North American Church and a new way to reach our communities.
  • How to Start a Fresh Expression of Church
    • Learn five steps that any church community can take to experiment with new forms of Church.
  • Three Roles in a Mixed Economy Church
    • Help your church members find their place in the Fresh Expressions approach to mission.

Contact Rev. Heather Jallad to schedule your workshop. 

Connect with our Social Media Channels

Facebook Page
Facebook Group



Congratulations to the following churches for being awarded grants to start FX in the 2023-24 conference year!

North Springs
Ben Hill
Abundant Health

Dinner Church/Messy Church Grants
Fayetteville UMC
Waco UMC
Burns UMC 
Lagrange University Wesley Foundation
Augusta Wesley Foundation
Trinity UMC Cartersville

The first step in applying for a grant is to complete this interest form. A District Cultivator will contact you to learn more and see if you're eligible.