Pause for the Important Work of Prayer


Bishop Connie Shelton of the North Carolina Conference leads a prayer for victims of a shooting in east Charlotte on Monday, April 29.The General Conference paused its legislative proceedings to pray. Photo by Mike DuBose, UM News

As United Methodists gathered in Charlotte, a tragic shooting took place in another part of the city. News reports share that three members of a U.S. Marshals task force were killed, and five other officers were wounded, one critically. A suspect also was killed.

The General Conference paused and Bishop Connie Shelton of the North Carolina Annual Conference led the delegates in several minutes of prayer. 

Read more from UMNews, "Delegates Pray After Charlotte Shooting."

Later in the day, as the session neared a close, the body paused again for prayer, this time lifting up students at Emory University, those in the path of recent damaging weather and tornadoes, and prayer for peace for all who are in the midst of war around the world. 

"Let the word go forth that United Methodists believe in the power of prayer!" said Bishop Julius Trimble of the Indiana Episcopal Area.